Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly(“CCSV”) – In-home Services

Service Details

What is Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly(“CCSV”)?

The Social Welfare Department (SWD) has launched the Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly in September 2013.  The eligible elderly persons can use Community Care Service Voucher to purchase community care services (CCS) that suit their individual needs to support their ageing in place under the ‘money-following-the-user’ mode. 

The Pilot Scheme has become regular government subsidies in September 2023.  Number of voucher holders will be increased to 12,000 by 2025/2026.

Who can use CCSV?

Elderly persons who have been assessed by SWD’s Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services to have impairment at moderate or severe level and are waitlisting for subsidised CCS and/or residential care services (RCS) on the Central Waiting List (CWL) for Subsidised Long Term Care (LTC) Services are eligible applicants to CCSV.  Such elderly may approach their responsible workers or the Community Care Service Voucher (CCSV) Office of SWD for application.  

How much is the Voucher Value?

Elderly persons may use different services worth of up to monthly $10,455 (for 2024-25, adjusted annually mainly based on Composite Consumer Price Index (CCPI)) according to their needs.

Under the “affordable users pay” principle, the less that the elderly person can afford, the more the Government subsidizes.  As such, CCSV users may need to pay 5%, 8%, 12%, 16%, 25% or 40% of service purchased while the government will pay for the remaining amount.  Applicable co-payment percentage is determined by household income of elderly and residing family member.  Assets will not be assessed.

How to use the Voucher?

A letter will be issued by SWD to each eligible elderly person successfully applying for CCSV.  Elder can then approach recognized service providers directly for an assessment and then start purchasing appropriate services.

Sparkle Healthcare has been one of the Recognized Service Providers under CCSV since Q4 2020.  We offer in-home physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nursing and caregiving services, meal delivery, escort service, home making service, caregiver training, home safety assessment and improvement consultation, rental of assisted technology devices.   Not only your loved elder can then be well taken care at home, you can also receive our support and relieve your burden!

Contact us now to arrange a free assessment, so that we can start your elderly’s care plan soon!


Physiotherapy, occupational therapy

Speech therapy

Nursing service e.g. injection, dressing

Caregiving e.g. bathing, feeding, transfer

Delivery of lunch and dinner

Escort service

Home making service

Caregiver training

Home safety assessment and improvement suggestion

Renting assisted technology devices

Full Spectrum Health Services

Contact Us
+852 5110 8223